Born:  York 1951


Knavesmire Primary School, York

Nunthorpe Grammar School, York

Churchill College, Cambridge - French and Russian

Churchill College Boat Club

More pictures at


Home Office 1973-2003


Radio Regulatory Department

Police and crime

Justice and Prisons (Industries and Farms)

Finance and planning

After that.....

Chairman, Ducane Housing Association 2004-2011

Treasurer, then Chairman, CHAS Central London independent housing and debt advice service, 2004-2010   

Trustee, Vice Chair and Acting Chair, Sova, 2004-2012

Member, Audit Committee, Skills for Justice 2008-2010

Trustee, Voluntary Action Elmbridge  2010-2012

....and currently

Treasurer and Acting Chair, since 2009

Treasurer since 2009

  Webmaster since 2006

Alumni webmaster, Churchill College Boat Club since 2007

Trustee, Salvaire since 2012