According to Britain's DNA, my fatherline is Norse Viking, indicated by genetic markers common in Scandinavia, Iceland, the Faroes, Orkney and Shetland, and shared with the MacDonalds, among others.

The earliest record of my male line goes back to Perthshire, Scotland, in the eighteenth century.  My great-great-grandfather, James Fulton, married Christina McIntyre in 1851.  My great-grandfather, George Clarke Hutton Fulton, moved down to Middlesbrough after qualifying as a doctor at Glasgow University.

My mother's side was solidly Yorkshire, mainly farmers in the North and East Ridings.

A namesake, probably unrelated, served as a quartergunner on HMS Mars at the battle of Trafalgar (1805). Aged 22 at the time, he was born in Campbeltown, Kintyre.

A more famous namesake (and why I am very hard to find on Google), but again not a direct relation, was the American artist and inventor Robert Fulton (1765-1815).

His forebears left Ayrshire for Ireland in the 17th century, and thence to America in the 19th.
For a fuller biography, see, also available on Amazon (US) at